#Breeding dusk lycanroc update#
Added Swanna Boat spawning to Ocean biomes.Īdded Fire Gym Town spawning to Nether biomes.Added Ground Gym Town spawning to Badland biomes.Updated Necrozma, Reshiram and Wooper voices.Added Frigibax, Arctibax, Baxcalibur and Orthworm voices.Updated Dos Shrine A, Den Swamp B, Graveyard A, Graveyard Church A-B, Gym Grass, Gym Grass PokeCenter, Gym Grass PokeMart, Gym Grass House A-E and Gym Grass Blacksmith.Added Fire Gym Town structures: Gym Fire, Gym Fire Town Center A-B, Gym Fire PokeCenter, Gym Fire PokeMart, Gym Figure Road A-D, Gym Fire House A-E, Gym Fire Blacksmith, Gym Fire Church, Gym Fire Day Care, Gym Fire TCG Shop, Gym Fire Farm A-B, Gym Fire Berry A-B, Gym Clutter A-E and Gym Fire Light A-B.Added Ground Gym Town structures: Gym Ground, Gym Ground Town Center A-B, Gym Ground PokeCenter, Gym Ground PokeMart, Gym Ground Road A-D, Gym Ground House A-E, Gym Ground Blacksmith, Gym Ground Church, Gym Ground Day Care, Gym Ground TCG Shop, Gym Ground Farm A-B, Gym Berry A-B, Gym Ground Clutter A-E and Gym Ground Light A-B.Added new debug modes to debug help menu.Added new debug modes: Vertex mode, Emissive mode.Added Valentine's Day Discord-exclusive Heart Wings.Īdded Valentine palette Pokémon: Swablu, Altaria, Togepi, Togetic, Togekiss, Drifloon, Drifblim, Emolga, Absol and Celebi.Īdded Valentines' Day catch mechanic: catching certain Pokémon with a Love Ball turns them into their Valentine palette.If using datapacks, consider refreshing every update for default datapack fixes from Pixelmon.The minimum Forge version for this update is 36.2.34 and is required for a Pixelmon client to run.Added Orthworm to Arid night-time spawns.Added Wiglett and Wugtrio to Beaches, Lukewarm Ocean and Warm Ocean spawns.Added Tadbulb and Bellibolt to River, Lakes and Swamp spawns.Added Frigibax, Arcitbax and Baxcalibur to Freezing Forests and Freezing Mountains night-time spawns and Underground spawns.

Updated Starter screen welcome message.Because Pokemon Ultra Moon runs 12 hours ahead of real time, this means you must. Removed unnecessary mega-evolution palette missing textures. There are two simple steps to get Rockruff to evolve into Dusk Lycanroc.Updated Black Cash Register recipe to match the rest of the dyed Cash Register recipes.Removed individual color-specific or specie-specific Apricorn and Berry Logs, unifying them into a single Berry Log and Apricorn Log, decreasing game load time.Updated Apricorn Log plank recipe to yield Yellow Berry Planks.Updated Berry Log plank recipe to yield Green Berry Planks.